Hello everyone! Today we are doing a hop for two very special ladies. Happy birthday to Corinne and her twin sister Irene.
Betty from Simply Betty Stamps was very generous and drew two images as a surprise. One of Corinne and one of Irene. I have colored them up with the next generation Spectrum Noir markers. I also used Pop 'n cuts system designed by Karen Burniston.
Here are my two cards.
First up is Irene
Here is the front of the card
When the card is open, up pops the presents
Here is a close-up of the image
The colors used:
Hair: FS9, OR1, CR10, CR8, DR7, EB4
Pants: TB9, TB8, TB6
Shirt: CG4, JG1, DG3, JG7
Skin: CR3, FSFS7, FS4, FS9
Here is Corinne's card
The card front
When the card is open, up pops Corinne sitting on a park bench
Here is a close-up of the image
Here is a close-up of the image:
Hair: FS9, OR1, CR10, CR8, DR7, EB4
Pants: TB9, TB8, TB6
Shirt: IG10, IG8, IG6
Skin: CR3, FSFS7, FS4, FS9
Blog List:
Betty Roberts ( Vannessa Bland,Carmen Shannon, Barbara Haines Ettinger) http://simplybettystamps.blogspot.com/
Tanja Charles,BreAnn McFarland, Samantha Valantean http://craft-teeinthecity.blogspot.com/
Tanya Johnson http://little-scrapper.blogspot.com/
Jackie Rakoski-Diediker http://stampingsister.blogspot.com/
Sian Hillman http://serendipity-cards.blogspot.co.uk/
Lucy Gregg http://loopylass2010.blogspot.co.uk/
Karen Pimblett http://www.kraftykarensblogspot.co.uk/wordpress
Maggie Cox Schoener www.maggiescathouse.blogspot.com
Wendy Billings www.jazzydoodledesigns.com
Darcy Schroeder http://craftingwithdarcy.blogspot.com/
Sheri Scraps www.mammasscrappin.blogspot.com
Bettina Leikvoll www.bettandshobbykrok.blogspot.com
Lori Gauerke www.thehappystamperinwisconsin.blogspot.com
Christin Myhre www.christinmyhre.no
Vicky Fortier http://crafting-vicky.blogspot.ca/
Katya Bess Www.kattyxotica.blogspot.com
Danni Bindel http://dannisdreamscrafts.blogspot.com/
Stacey Schofield www.lasatas.blogspot.com
Jackie Randolph http://papermoments.blogspot.com/
Emily Shroom http://emilyshroom.blogspot.com.au/
Samantha Valantean www.timelesscrafter.blogspot.com
Kay Mowat http://kaym74.blogspot.com/
Ruza Stevanovic Rebel http://ruzascraftcorner.blogspot.com/
Cindye Wile http://nscropper.blogspot.ca/
Lisa Howell www.mindovermattercreations.com
Veronica Chasteen Rosenshein www.artbyveronica.blogspot.com
Kathy Smyth Www.kathyjsmyth.blogspot.com
Robin Bogle http://www.rcz28.blogspot.com/
Melissa Whaley Varga www.cheesestampersinparadise.blogspot.com
Sharon Gerber Brown http://mrslumpys.blogspot.com/
Kezzia Kerri Brown www.cardsbykerrie.blogspot.co.uk
Roz Gold Wolfe http://wolfepak5.blogspot.com/
Trish TheDish Sakulich http://scrappintillthecowscomehome.blogspot.com/
Sharman DeLuca http://sharman33.blogspot.com/
Kathy Johnson Gillon http://kathyand3kids.blogspot.com/
Lisa Lucas Nelson http://distinctivelmnts.blogspot.com/
Heath Whitlock www.slightlymadbut.blogspot.com
Stacy Stratis www.AnastasiasArts.blogspot.com
Louise Mann http://louisescraftycards.blogspot.co.uk/
Tamara Van Wijk http://thestampingchef.com/Blog/
Rio Judy Ford http://mommylittlecrafterincrime.blogspot.com/
Lori Gauerke http://thehappystamperinwisconsin.blogspot.com/
Sharette Smith http://scrappernthemaking.blogspot.com/
Elisabete Olivera Balcavage Www.thebalcavages.blogspot.com
Celina ScrapVamp Matthews www.ScrapVamp.blogspot.com
Tanja Charles,BreAnn McFarland, Samantha Valantean http://
Tanya Johnson http://
Jackie Rakoski-Diediker http://
Sian Hillman http://
Lucy Gregg http://
Karen Pimblett http://
Maggie Cox Schoener www.maggiescathouse.blogspot.c
Wendy Billings www.jazzydoodledesigns.com
Darcy Schroeder http://
Sheri Scraps www.mammasscrappin.blogspot.co
Bettina Leikvoll www.bettandshobbykrok.blogspot
Lori Gauerke www.thehappystamperinwisconsin
Christin Myhre www.christinmyhre.no
Vicky Fortier http://
Katya Bess Www.kattyxotica.blogspot.com
Danni Bindel http://
Stacey Schofield www.lasatas.blogspot.com
Jackie Randolph http://
Emily Shroom http://
Samantha Valantean www.timelesscrafter.blogspot.c
Kay Mowat http://kaym74.blogspot.com/
Ruza Stevanovic Rebel http://
Cindye Wile http://nscropper.blogspot.ca/
Lisa Howell www.mindovermattercreations.co
Veronica Chasteen Rosenshein www.artbyveronica.blogspot.com
Kathy Smyth Www.kathyjsmyth.blogspot.com
Robin Bogle http://www.rcz28.blogspot.com/
Melissa Whaley Varga www.cheesestampersinparadise.b
Sharon Gerber Brown http://mrslumpys.blogspot.com/
Kezzia Kerri Brown www.cardsbykerrie.blogspot.co.
Roz Gold Wolfe http://wolfepak5.blogspot.com/
Trish TheDish Sakulich http://
Sharman DeLuca http://sharman33.blogspot.com/
Kathy Johnson Gillon http://
Lisa Lucas Nelson http://
Heath Whitlock www.slightlymadbut.blogspot.co
Stacy Stratis www.AnastasiasArts.blogspot.co
Louise Mann http://
Tamara Van Wijk http://thestampingchef.com/
Rio Judy Ford http://
Lori Gauerke http://
Sharette Smith http://
Elisabete Olivera Balcavage Www.thebalcavages.blogspot.com
Celina ScrapVamp Matthews www.ScrapVamp.blogspot.com